Flexibility in Investing and Managing

Our company Almyra Investment Focusing on REAL ESTATE opportunity

Almyra is an asset management and investment company, focused on real estate management and development in the city center of Milan, but with an eye to the european market and the rest of Italy. We are also open towards investment partnerships. Led by several years of expertise of our team, we are able to handle and manage high value, complex real estate developments.

Our daily mission is to always deliver excellence.

What we think Company strategy Identify and execute investment and manage strategies in Real Estate

We have just one simple strategy: an agile and responsive work frame, striving to achieve the perfect balance between in-house competence (the agency value) and selected, out-sourced knowledge (added value).
In Almyra we approach each project tayloring the team for a perfect fit on the task; which in return will guarantee long lasting vaue to our investors without forfeiting our principles of excellence, client’s support and competitiveness.

Almyra’s value lies on our ability of providing ad hoc responses for each project; generating value through a perfect mix across financial, commercial and development knowledge.

For Our Investor

ALMYRA’s investment focus is on following Real Estate main targets:
  • Value add / speculative return profile. Target geared post tax IRR is > 15%
  • Short / medium term period. Average 3-5 years investment period
  • Medium / large deals. Approx Euro 30 – 100 mln
  • Retail and Offices
  • Asset investor enhancement
  • Design

Where we invest

Real Estate TradingReal Estate Trading
Distressed CreditDistressed Credit

How we do it Assets management and services Strong value creation in timely manner

At Almyra we strive to rapidly analize the opportunity of each asset and maximise the value of the investment in the medium term.

  • Asset evaluation on real estate portfolios or independent assets;
  • Expert advice on strategic positioning of the asset;
  • Market evaluation;
  • Due diligence;
  • Negotiating and assisting on administrative aspects, fiscal and tax relief advisory;
  • Marketing and commercial rebranding;
  • Management and coordination with all the involved actors;
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